Polytunnel resources

Polytunnels quick-start

New to polytunnel production? Consider the following:

Assess the primary benefit you want to achieve. For example: Do you want to extend your growing season by creating either a warmer or cooler growing environment? Or do you simply require increased production during your main season?

Plan the proposed site carefully. Consider orientation to the sun. How sheltered is the site and what is the predominant wind direction? What type of soil conditions do you have? (This may affect the ease of installation) Is the proposed site on a slope or in a valley?

Consider minimum and maximum temperatures during the season. Any localised climatical conditions? For example: Extreme wind or snow occurrence?

Work with local authorities and consult with any parties that may be affected by your project, e.g. neighbours, water authorities, etc. Consult with your agronomical advisers as to the relative merits of traditional and protected growing.

Please provide Elite Tunnels’ personnel with as much of the above-mentioned polytunnels quick-start information as possible.

This will help our experts give you the right advice from the start, ensuring that we recommend the most cost-effective and suitable solutions to you, our valued customer.

Polytunnels video gallery

Drone footage of an Elite Tunnels installation site – East Coast of Australia

Drone footage of an Elite Tunnels installation site – East Coast of Australia

Polytunnels documents

Below are sample images from documents created specifically for Elite Tunnels products. Flick through the coverflows for a limited sample of the document contents, and submit a request if you’d like to be emailed a PDF of the entire manual. 

Elite Spanish Tunnels Construction Manual (example pages)

Elite Garden Tunnels Construction Manual (example pages)

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